TALLIE Expense Report Automation
Expense Report Automation
Expense reimbursement fraud equals more than a whopping $100 billion annually according to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. “Employees Spend Significant Less With Expense Management Software.”
From the same firm that brings us the online time tracking program Spring Ahead, Tallie is business software that automates the entire expense report worflow from point of purchase all the way to accounting and reimbursement.
With Tallie’s web based and mobile accessible features, employees enter reimbursable and billable expenses easily. Credit card charges can be automatically imported and directly mapped to expense accounts in the general ledger.
Tallie downloads expense information to QuickBooks desktop, receipts are uploaded to Smart Vault and expenses can be reimbursed from Bill.com.
Trying to work paperless? Tallie can be part of your work flow process. Appprovals and policies can be adopted in Tallie based on business requirements.